Accreditation for Online Schools

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What is Accreditation for Online Schools?

Accreditation for Online Schools

One of the most important factors in choosing an online school is whether or not it is accredited, and by whom. Graduating with a business degree from an accredited school gives credibility and recognition from employers, higher income, and the possibility of promotions or higher positions. Receiving a degree from a non-accredited school, or one that is not accredited from a meaningful source, can lead employers to disregard your degree.

Accreditation is the process of reviewing a school's curriculum to make sure it meets the proper criteria. This stamp of approval is granted by outside agencies. The outside agency should be approved by the National Education Association (NEA) in order to be valid. If the school is not accredited by an agency approved by the NEA, it is highly recommended not to attend that school.



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