Business Degree Tips

When it comes to Business Degree, we've been there, done that, now serving 261 tips in 19 categories ranging from Accounting & Finance Degrees to Sports Management Degrees.

Become A Tutor

Did you know that you can put your skills and knowledge to good use by becoming a tutor? Whether you're attending a university or college through traditional or online learning, you can submit an application to the registrar or academic advisor with your intent to become a tutor.

Tutors can either be voluntary, or will sometimes be paid a small stipend from funds collected by the Student Association.

Some things to consider before becoming a tutor include:

  • Making sure you have the time to commit to at least 4 hours of tutoring per week.
  • Making sure you're able to commit your tutoring services for a full semester
  • Whether you prefer small group tutoring or individual tutoring
  • What course topics you'd prefer to tutor in
  • Making sure you have a quiet place to tutor whether it be your own personal work space, or a space designated by the school.
Tutoring is a rewarding, challenging endeavor that can teach you more about yourself than you ever imagined. Typically, tutors are undergraduate or graduate students who are chosen for their interpersonal skills and their ability to assist students academically. To become a tutor, you must meet specific academic requirements as outlined by your college or university.


Self-Identification For Special Needs Students

Some people with special needs are easily identifiable by their external characteristics and others are somewhat harder to detect. These days, barriers to education are becoming a thing of the past with colleges and universities working hard to accommodate all learners, no matter what their physical or psychological requirements.

If you're a student with special needs or disabilities submitting an application to a university or college, it's important to self-disclose on your application form. This will enable the school to identify your needs early, giving them time to implement and plan for the academic year.

Once accepted into your chosen field of study, contact the college to make an appointment to discuss your specific needs. At that time, let the registrar or academic advisor know if your tuition is being funded by an external agency, or if you believe the school will require contact with any external agency related to your special needs. The college or university is bound by confidentiality agreements and will most likely require you to sign a Consent To Release Information form.


Applying For Advanced Standing

Let's say you've been working for several years, you already have a great deal of education and knowledge under your belt, and now you want to go back to college or university to pick up another degree. It doesn't make sense to have to complete yet another round of courses that you already have credit for. If you feel you fall into that category, ask the university or college administration about applying for advanced standing.

Advanced standing offers students the opportunity to have formal training recognized and applied to the first full year of education. This usually involves requesting advanced standing right up front on your application and including all relevant transcripts. You may be required to meet with the academic advisor for an interview, complete some testing, or provide detailed documentation to prove that your prior formal education meets the learning outcomes of each course. In addition, you may be required to submit detailed unit/subject syllabuses including the following information:

  • The level of subject in course
  • Subject content, number of contact hours for lectures, tutorials, and laboratory sessions for each individual topic of subject
  • Textbooks and reading list of courses taken
  • Details of individual weighting of each assessment method, number and length of assignments and examinations
  • Credit weighting of subject
Applying for advanced standing is a detailed process; however, provided you have the documentation, it can be accomplished. The amount of documentation and detail required will vary from university to university.


Utilizing Effective Study Habits

Studying is a lot like exercise. You can exercise the wrong way for hours at a time without recognizing any benefits. In the process, you're probably doing more to injure yourself and burn yourself out more than anything. The same principle applies to study habits. Making the best use of study skills will save you time and energy in the long run.

Some tips to consider include:

  • How you approach studying. Are you a naturally negative or positive person? When faced with academic challenges, view them as learning experiences and seek appropriate academic guidance when necessary.
  • Consider your study spot. Some people are able to study happily in a noisy environment and others must have complete silence. Where ever you study, make sure you're free of constant interruptions.
  • Don't bring things you don't need to the study area including cell phones, Blackberries, or pagers. While a laptop might be important, make sure not to be tempted by instant messaging or games.
  • Take breaks to allow your mind to relax and your body to stretch.
  • Stick to a set schedule.
  • Understand the course learning outcomes and what the class expectations are.
Effective study habits can encompass a wide range of skills. What's important is finding something that works for you.


Offering Critical Feedback In A Constructive Way

As a professional, mature, adult learner, you understand that communication breakdowns occur and that issues arise involving personality clashes or misunderstood expectations. Working toward a degree or diploma is hard work, especially if you're maintaining a full-time job and family commitments at the same time. The last thing you want to have to do is face a difficult person or challenging situation, but sometimes it's necessary.

Student-instructor scenarios could involve a situation whereby:

  • The instructor wrongly accuses a student of plagiarism.
  • The student feels poorly treated
  • The student feels as if they're not being graded appropriately
  • The instructor wrongly accuses a student of cheating
In addition, there are work-place situations that could bring about a great deal of conflict if not handled properly. The trick in any of these situations is to learn how to give and receive critical feedback.

  • Research the facts before approaching the person/situation.
  • Clearly articulate your expectations
  • Be specific and respectful.
Of course, there are times when offering critical feedback should be handled with caution or not at all. Don't fire off an angry email and hit send. Don't give critical feedback unless the time is right for the other person. Finally, make sure you're aware of the facts before approaching the other person. While you can't take responsibility for the other person's reaction, you can take responsibility for your own.


Copyright Laws And Use

The purpose of copyright laws are not to limit students' access to reference material, but to protect the authors and creators behind them. Consider the amount of time authors spend collecting data, writing, rewriting, and marketing their work. Like anybody in business, they want to be compensated fairly for the work they've done. As a result, non-profit agencies and government organizations have created laws to protect the authors, while allowing educational institutions, businesses, and the general public limited access to published text for research or educational purposes.

The amount of photocopying allowed, and the proper referencing of published works, are outlined in detail on the website of the United States Copyright Office, or at the Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency (CANCOPY).

If you're a student attending an online university or college, or a traditional university or college, check with the establishment's student resource manual. Oftentimes, there are handbooks with information on copyright laws and other college policies. If in doubt, contact a representative working at a copyright office, or (if possible) try to contact the author of the work yourself. The only way to be absolutely sure you're not infringing on copyright laws is to get expressed written permission from the author.

Chances are that university or college you're enrolled in have signed a licensing agreement with the copyright office so that you don't have to obtain permission every time you make a photocopy. Your university should be well versed in this, so don't be afraid to ask if you're not sure.

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